Tuesday, October 03, 2006

E-bay whore.

We've finally lost our e-bay virginity. I know, I know...it's humbling to admit it, but there you go. This all started about a month ago. Our first only born's birthday is coming up and we were discussing what to get him. More than anything in the world, he wants action figures and the dragon/drawbridge component to finish up his Lego set.

No problem we thought. As usual, lots of problemos.

As most of you know, there's no way in heck that I'll allow McKay to have action figures with weapons. Unfortunately, most of them out there have multiple death causing accessories instead of clutch purses. I finally found this FABULOUS line of action figures, that won all kinds of awards and promises that your child, too, will always be a conscientious objector. "Great", thought I. That's done. What else does he want? Legos...right. Dennis and Jackie gave him this really cool set of "Castle Lego" last Christmas that he plays with almost daily. He's asked many times for the dragon that goes with it.

T-2 weeks, Ok, lets get stuff ordered, that way if we have to, we can have it sent to Chicago and C&H can bring it with them. First Bendos online store: out of stock. Second online store: 2 football players left. Third bendos online store: jungle animals left. What the....???? Ok, what's going on here? I write the manufacturer for some information, a day later I get back the letter below.

Ran it's normal toy life???" My god woman, we've been playing with Fisher Price Little People since before there was fire. Anyhow...I decided to look on E-bay. I wasn't quite ready to get beyond the heavy petting stage so proceeded to "buy now" a bunch of used Bendos. Feel a bit bad buying him used toys for his birthday, but I tried!

Next step Lego. This set is not available in NORTH AMERICA???? Wha??? What are the chances of this? What next? I won't be able to find his 100% organic betel nut cake??? I wasn't looking for the Ark here folks. I just wanted lego. Back to e-bay. The only "buy nows" were too expensive. Two sets available for bidding. Severe anxiety sets in, am I ready? Is it time? Is this the right person? Do I have protection? After a quick trip to Pay_Pal I decide I'm ready. With crossed fingers, and breath held, I place my first bid. $6.00.

2 days later, and I'm walking the streets and calling out to Johns. That first auction was mine, I outbid the bastard by $0.11 with 55 seconds left. Amateur.

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1 comment:

Raine said...

full disclosure statement: And I only spent $5 more than I had planned.

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Places We've called Home: Kingston ON Chicago IL Atlanta GA Vancouver BC