Sunday, February 05, 2006

Bedlam and Alcatraz

  • Progress on Dan's immigration, he received his "has no criminal history" report back from the FBI, and he goes for his physical this week. Then we just gotta give the Canadian Govt. several thousand dollars...and we should be ready to go! I wonder if it's tax deductable?
  • Hard week on the old home front, McKay has decided that he is the boss of all of us and doesn't have to listen. This prompted a few actions;
    • Mom set the time out timer for 2 hours instead of two minutes. (subliminal or hope?)
    • An emergency trip to Barnes and Noble for parenting books.
    • A trip to Greens for medicinal alcohol for the parents.
    • Telling a 3 year old that when he's doing the "pee dance" it's his body's way of telling his brain he has to pee, and only ScareCrows don't listen to their brains (This was his input). We've had more accidents in the last few weeks then we did in the first few months of potty training.
  • We're taking tomorrow off work for a mental health day, but they're predicting snow! We've got 9am tickets to the aquarium. Hope the city doesn't shut down too badly.
  • Murphy (Hey Fat Kitty) has decided he is indeed an outside kitty. We've all been trying to convince him otherwise. McKay is especially particular about this and has shut parts of Murphy into the front door twice during escape attempts.

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Places We've called Home: Kingston ON Chicago IL Atlanta GA Vancouver BC