We started tracking "hits" to TMFP last summer, and it's getting busier and busier. We have a tried and true core set of 30 readers or so, but an additional 150 people came by in January.
This is a tad freaky, but at the same time, I read quite a few "stranger's" blogs and I'm not psychopathic. Here are a few of my current favourites. Anyone else have suggestions for "must reads"?
Vancouver Housing Market Blog (tracking the boom/bust cycle in Vancouver)
Nee Naw (London Ambulance’s control room blog)
Reporters Private Notebook (great social commentary photography from all around the world)
Grand Rounds (the weekly best the medical blogosphere) This one rotates host sites, but you can see the schedule/archive at the link.
here are blogs i read obsessively:
(i used to know this guy in 8th grade!)
(more pictures than blog, but surreal and amusing/compelling nonetheless)
i would also list yours, but i suppose that's obvious...
Oh my goodness, laid off Dad is fabulous!
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