Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Law of Unintended Consequences

Sometimes the best intentions don't quite work out the way we envisioned. Terry Pratchett says the bricks that make up the road to Hell all have little sayings on them like "I just wanted to have some fun" and "I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt".

McKay is coming to grips with the concept of mortality. He is aware that things, including people, can die. This is starting to become a globally applicable concept so it's not just plants and animals that can die, but people too. His people.

Also, we have told McKay many times that the way he gets big and strong is by getting good rest, eating good food and getting good exercise. He knows candy is a special treat that he can have once in a while, but not too often because it doesn't do anything to help him grow, regardless of how tasty it is.

It being Christmas eve, we (and as it turns out, a multitude of other parents) were looking for something to do to let McKay burn off some of the nervous energy he had about the impending arrival of the Jolly Old Man. So we went to Science World, which is always good for a rainy afternoon (or holiday eve) of running around. On our way out, we decided that he could have some cotton candy as a treat.

This all ties together. I promise.

McKay and I had the following conversation in the car while we were waiting for Lorraine to get out of a quick shop in the grocery store. The scene: McKay sitting in the back seat, snacking on some of his spun blue sugar, I in the driver's seat.

M: Dad, when are you going to die?

D: Not for a long lot of years.

M: Why not for long?

D: Well, because I try to stay healthy. I get good rest and eat good food to try to stay healthy. One of the things people believe is that the healthier you are, the longer you'll live, so I try to stay healthy.

M: (ten second pause) I'm going to stop eating my cotton candy.

D: (Oh crap, I think to myself.) Why, honey?

M: Because I don't want to die when I get older.

D: Oh nononononono, honey, don't worry about it. You get candy every once in a while, and you always eat such good food. Don't worry about it, this won't make you sick. A little treat every once in a while is just fine.

M: (another ten second pause) Okay.

Then he started eating the cotton candy again. I couldn't help but feel like I'd dodged a bullet on that one.

As an aside, a two pint tub of cotton candy only has about 54 calories in it. That's better than a candy bar. And yes, this was a "there are eggs and milk in chocolate cake!" moment for me.

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