Thursday, November 16, 2006

Ready for Total SubjuGAYtion.

From the November 13 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:
** hat tip to The Brian from Story of the Turtle for bringing this to my attention!


SAVAGE: And I want to tell you something, and I'm going to say it to you loud and clear. The radical homosexual agenda will not stop until religion is outlawed in this country.

That'd be great, can we start working on that? Can I sign an online petition? I'd picket, but you know, it's cold out.

Make no mistake about it. They're all not nice decorators.

He's right here, at least a few are flight attendants (and don't even get me started on the Flight attendant from hell).

You better get it through your head before it's too late. They threaten your very survival.

I'm thinking there are a few other causes, hang on, let me check. Yep, according to the CDC, gay people have a very low chance of lowering my life expectancy.

They went after the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is now caving into the homosexual mafia.

The Catholic Church is more sort of falling down because of its pedophilia problem then it is caving in. Although he might have a point if he's talking about the Evangelicans?

They will not stop until they force their agenda down your throats.


Gay marriage is just the tip of the iceberg. They want full and total subjugation of this society to their agenda.

Let me remind you what's on our current agenda so you can compare and contrast
Monday 9:30-10:00: Iraq
Tuesday: Tobacco companies (site visit)
Wednesday lunch meeting: Gun laws (remember to get publicity photo with famous actor)
Thursday: Every Child left behind (and just in case you missed it the first time we posted it)
Friday: Golf

Now, if you want that and if you don't think it's a threat -- believe me, that is what's going to occur in this country.


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