Sunday, January 07, 2007

RIP Blogger

Hello! managed to track us down in an internet stalking kind of way.
This was only put up to help us port over to there isn't going to be any new content...and I'll probably get rid of it eventually.

Come see our new (er..old?) place, we've redecorated.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The case of the vanishing sternum

You know how when you have house guests and they help you clean up and sometimes stuff goes missing?

Cheese graters put in the wrong cupboard, socks in the linen cabinet, gin bottle in the recycling?

Well, I can't find the turkey wishbone.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

blogger stole my archives.

I just KNOW they're gonna show up on E-bay.

I was just getting ready to tell you all the cool search terms you can use to find toomad, and gonna give you the corresponding posts...but you'll have to use your imagination for now.

"mom boobs" (image search)
"vancouver first haircut"
"child vomits when mad"
"baby but" (image search)
"Buyed you"
mad fire pants
it's a bit clangy
quit job move to vancouver blog

I'm so proud. Let me tell you.

So...we might disappear for a day or two. We've had a call from the mother ship. Oh..wait, no, that's next week. We're finally moving from blogger to wordpress. Which will either mean a lot to you and you'll hold your breath and cross your fingers with me or it will mean nothing and you'll wonder if that's any closer to where you are than Vancouver.

If you're pining for us, and you don't mind construction sites, you can have sneak previews here:

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

640x480 and 1024×768

  • To leave the country atleast once (going to the US doesn't count).
  • To keep our credit card balance at zero.
  • Reinstate the early to bed (8pm) once a week rule.
  • To find some of the people we've lost over the last bunch of years.
  • To unpack and scan all my books into librarything. I'd add "return my library books on time" but I've come to terms with this...I figure paying my library fines is a charitable act. On weeks when I'm really generous I kick them under the bed for an extra day or two.
  • organize our box(es) of important papers. These have been accumulating since our move to Chicago in 2000 and contain, degrees, birth certificates, the original and only copy of our Scottish wedding certificate, mortgage detritus and closing statements x2. Pregnancy and birth and newborn paperwork. Tax stuff, student loan stuff, every piece of art McKay has brought home from school. Various gum wrappers of Dan's with ip addresses on them. Passwords and userids for blogs, games and lists we participate in. My coffee card from Botterell hall in Kingston and a fat cat.

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The Year in Review

  • We moved a bazillion kilometers and haven't unpacked yet.
  • Dan has a new job, that he hates. I have a new job that I like ($), but that I'm going to quit to take a new job that I might not like ($$$).
  • We went to Mexico and Seattle, apparently we can only travel if we know we'll end up sharing tequila shots with K&K.
  • No more pullups, and we've switched to a booster seat.
  • It rains here, but not as much as we'd like, or as much as we expected. It is however always cold.
  • Everyone getting a bit older, Puck turned 9 this last year and is slowing down pretty quickly. McKay turned 4, and is speeding up proportionately. Both like gumdrops.
  • We no longer are held captive by Netflix and TiVo and it's a darn shame.
  • having to learn a new cell phone was the hardest part of the move. (other than the puking in the dark thing...).

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About Me

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Places We've called Home: Kingston ON Chicago IL Atlanta GA Vancouver BC