Wednesday, August 30, 2006

changing the internet

Last week I googled "Vancouver first haircut". Oddly enough, I saw Neil's blog.

Wrote and told Neil about that. He posted about it.

He has many many readers, so "Vancouver first haircut" then started pulling up his post about my search.

I then posted to TOOMAD about his post.

"Vancouver first haircut" then started pulling up TOOMAD.

All very strange, and dynamic, and the first time I've actually felt like we've done something to change the internet.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Oh yeah...I forgot to post this earlier.
I'm famous. Or rather...someone who is famous knows me. Or...uh, someone who is famous read an email from me and decided to blog about me.

One of our favourite authors is Neil Gaiman (of Sandman and GoodOmens fame). I've been a rabid addict of his blog for the last 6 months or so. He frequently answers questions from his fans in his blog. Friday, after wiping the syrup out of McKay's curls, I decided it was time to try to find him a kid's barber here. A few google search for "Vancouver Kids Barber" Nuthing. Tried "Vancouver First haircut". And there it was, third link down (dan says it's on page two now). Neils blog. Talk about odd. Since he posts many quirky things on his blog, I felt the need to tell him.

And that's how I am now famous. Autographs by appointment only please.

Jammin', Slugs, and Off the Grid

Had a great weekend, with many activities and sunny personalities all around.

Went to see very scary (but not TOO scary) dinosaurs at Storyeum. Creative exhibit with opportunities to dig for dino prints, and get an upclose look at their life size T-rex. The docent went out of his way to help appease M's fretting about it, including letting us touch it, and see where the electronic controls were . A cheerful and riotus lunch at the spaghetti factory afterwards, 6 adults, 3 toddlers and little Elise. Honestly, parents of toddlers need as many arms as Shiva to keep it all under control.

Yesterday afternoon, M and I made Blueberry Jam. This was SO Much fun, the no-cook recipes are perfect for toddlers, and squishing the berries was a hoot. Yum Yum, had it for breakfast this morning with fresh biscuits. Maybe we'll make raspberry when Grandma Cokey is here next week. The blueberries taste SO good here. Biggest difference we've noticed so far.

Went hiking this afternoon to Cypress Falls. Saw HUGE cypress trees and slugs to match. Hoping to prevent phobias from forming, we had an intelligent and engaging conversation that led to us touching the slug (Ick ick ick ick). If he writes a book when he's older, I'm going to remind him of this.

Lost power last night, a bunch of transformers blew around 8pm. Small problem in that we had NO idea where the flashlight was. Found candles, but no matches. Had to use the pilot from the fireplace to light them. Also stole McKay's lantern to help read a bit before bed. Need to write a book about moving, or atleast a list:

Things to know where to find during and immediately after a move;

1. Extra sheets to change bed after vomitting toddler
2. Carpet cleaner to clean beige carpet after vomitting toddler
3. Can opener to feed cats
4. Flashlight incase power goes out
5. Matches incase power goes out
6. where the HECK is the yellow day pack?
7. Has ANYone seen my crocs??? we're not TOTALLY back up and running yet.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Too Mad for Shorts

The last week or so have been kind of rough around here. McKay has been in a foul mood and we're all starting to fray a little around the edges.

Since we did just disrupt his entire world, we're holding our breath and hoping he'll get through this before too long. Amongst a few other new developments (yelling, hitting, slamming doors) he decided yesterday he no longer wanted to wear shorts. 3 years later, and we're at the same stage!

Naptime at his new school is pretty flexible, and I think he's starting to adjust his circadian rhythm to take into account no nap. Somedays, they tell me, he still sleeps for over an hour, but most days he is not. This is ok, as we were getting pretty weary of the 10:30 bedtime. He's now asleep by 9 most nights.

Last night he told us he didn't like potatos anymore.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Weekend Adventures

We've been out and about exploring our new province.

Yesterday met up with the Brinkmans and a school friend of Ewan's at Confederation Park (nothing at all to do with Confederates...) and had a blast riding the model trains.

Today we headed out to Bowen Island for a stomp about, but mostly just for the fun of taking the ferry. We're still a bit stunned by the beauty of everything around us so I apologize in advance for months of hazy mountain pictures.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lesson Learned

Since we are now back in Canada, I thought I would try to surprise L by getting a tasty treat from our past which could not be mailed across the border. Specifically Abner Mennonite Summer Sausage from Pan Chancho (no direct link, but a photo tour of their new digs from some Flickr user). I surreptitiously called them one day when L stepped out and arranged to have it sent via Purolator to arrive at my new work on our Anniversary.

Good idea? Yes. Was it delivered? Yes. Do I have it? No.

Here's what happened.

Last weekend, I set it up for delivery today (Thursday). On Wednesday, I say to the person at the front desk of my building "I'm expecting a Purolator delivery tomorrow; do I have to tell anyone or do anything to get it?" I am assured that as long as my name is on the package it will come right to me, and I go on my merry way UNAWARE OF THE HORROR ABOUT TO BEFALL ME.

Thursday lunch rolls around and I still don't have it. I get in touch with someone in Shipping who tells me that no Purolator deliveries were made that morning. I panic just a bit and call Pan Chancho. The woman in charge of shipping (I think her name is Veronica. Or V-something. Again, struck by my name-remembering deficiency. Whatever it is, she is wonderful. Thank you, Ms V!) tracks the package and tells me that it was actually delivered on Wednesday and signed for by XXX (not their real name. :P). I track down XXX and find they work in...Specimen Receiving. I start to panic a little more.

I call XXX and tell him that I think he signed for a package for me. XXX sounds confused and says, "what is it?" I say "it's a whole smoked sausage." XXX goes "Oh no! I remember that! I sent that Upstairs yesterday!" I could hear the capitalization (not to mention the regret in XXX's voice) and my panic starts tap dancing centre stage. I say, "Upstairs...where?" XXX says "The food lab." I go running find the sausage no longer fit for human consumption.

Why? Let's just say that if you order a big smoked sausage and have it shipped to a building that also happens to test food suspected of causing food poisoning, someone will take it and stick it in a fridge with a bunch of other possibly contaminated foods.

Head hanging low, I return to my office and call Pan Chancho to let Ms V know that the mystery had been solved. I related the story to her (and her complete amazement), and she offers to send me another sausage.

For free.

So, to the staff and management of Pan Chancho: thank you. You had a loyal customer while I lived in Kingston, and you have a loyal customer in Vancouver. I will definitely order from you again.

Canada Post: you are on notice. If anything happens to my sausage this time around, there will be Words.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


These are everywhere here...they even come in a convertable model. Not sure why they haven't been in the US yet, and apparantly won't be until 2008. Cokey, can you wait 'til then???

Friday, August 04, 2006

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


New phones...mine seemed to have a camera.
15 seconds to take a picture at the water park.
4 hours trying to figure out HOW to get it off the camera.

Had to change BIOS, download a synch program, turn on IR (????) on the phone...

Write us for our new numbers...not getting a land line.

About Me

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Places We've called Home: Kingston ON Chicago IL Atlanta GA Vancouver BC