Friday, July 14, 2006

Georgia on my mind...

No peace, no peace I find
Just this old, sweet song
Keeps Georgia on my mind

Last day at work today. Not the sense of relief I expected, rather, kind of blue and really hoping we're doing the right thing. I know in my conscience that we HAVE to go back to Canada, and leave the US, but today was hard.

Since coming to the US in the summer of 2000, I've met so many good people, real people, real friends. Who are these 50% that we hear about in the news? This 50% who's beliefs and values are so very different than my own?

Spent Wednesday with J&C watching the StoneMountain laser show, an adventure in redneck. Lots of flag waving, lots of patriotism. How can I have loved this state so much?

Spent last night with the Desai's, great food, great company. All of us trying so hard not to show how hurt we are at us leaving and knowing that the likelyhood of us meeting again is low. M and J holding hands walking into the restaurant just about broke my heart.

Today, goodbye's starting with my boss at 9am when he gave me a totally unexpected departing gift. Tears flowed shortly after and continued until a hug with Jinny at shortly after 4pm. The lab was rather dramatic and damp.

Life has been great here, we've been very happy. But we have to go...there are too many things that we can't reconcile with what our souls know are right.

And he played Fire on the Mountain
Run boys, run
The devil's in the House of the Rising Sun

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Places We've called Home: Kingston ON Chicago IL Atlanta GA Vancouver BC