Monday, April 24, 2006

One step forward, two steps backwards.

  • Dan's application for permanant residency in Canada is moving at an astounding pace. They've told us the application is complete, he passed his medical, and they don't need more information on his police clearances. We expect to hear aye/nay soon.
  • Dan has had a great interview cycle with the BC-CDC and although no letter offer has been seen yet, their HR department called him to ask for his SIN (social insurance number, just like Social security number) and birth date. We think that bodes well.
  • We found out we can't bring our new car into Canada with us. Want to buy a car? Good news is that average retail value for this model/mileage in Atlanta is ~$2K more than we owe on it.
  • Still no sign of getting into a daycare in Vancouver...this is causing me to stay awake nights.
  • We finally told our neighbourhood we were leaving...this is mostly being met with denial, and the plans to form a "committee" to screen any potential buyers.
  • Dispite all this, we decided to do a quick trip to the Mayan Riviera at the end of the month. Gramma has agreed to tend the livestock, and we're working on convincing K&K to join us for their first EVER vacation.
Not sure if any of this is progress, but it's movement of somesort.


kirsten said...

right now i am literally biting my nails and waiting for my only remaining single, animal-less friend to say whether she will come play zookeeper...

i don't want to beg, but i do, i want to fling myself on the ground and wail and sob and promise my firstborn. considering that it would cost us $600 to board the dogs, and i think that's pretty close to the going rate for firstborns these days.

Raine said...

Can you bribe them with a promise of tequila and a sombrero? Going rates is variable for first borns. I'd let you have ours for oh, a week or so, for a MERE $250/wk. Bargain!

Raine said...

order now...second week free!


kirsten said...

i'm trying really hard not to beg, because there's nothing worse than being roped into something you REALLY don't want to do by a desperate person. and, i mean, it's not driving me to the airport. it's leaving your home to sit in mine for an entire week.
but like...if she doesn't do this, i don't think we can go at all. and that makes me kind of hysterical.

really, $250 a week? i want an adorable small person! how about we skip the mexico thing and just steal your child instead?!

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Places We've called Home: Kingston ON Chicago IL Atlanta GA Vancouver BC