Monday, September 19, 2005

An Explanation

We went for a walk after dinner today. McKay was a bit tired, so I put him on my shoulders for the second half. We walked most of the way back home, and he wanted to be put back down.

I put him down, we walked around the corner and he stopped.

"C'mon, McKay, let's go home," I said.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

He pointed down. "There's bugs in there."

I looked at the sidewalk at his feet. "Where? I don't see any."

He pointed down again. "In there."

I noticed he was standing kind of funny. "In your shoe?" Visions of ant bites raced through my head for a split second.

"No, in my feet."

I thought about how he'd been sitting on my shoulders and then it hit me. "Does it feel kind of prickly or tickly?"


"Oh, that happens to me, too, sometimes. When that happens, we say my foot fell asleep. Feels funny, doesn't it?"

I mused all the way home about what an interesting explanation he'd come up with for what he was feeling.

This is the second time he's said something like this. A few months ago, he told Raine "There's a bird in my tummy" when he had the hiccups.

His brain is so cool.

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