Sunday, August 21, 2005

Yellow River

We've spent the last few Sundays at Yellow River Park. It's about half an hour from home and although officially "closed" for renovation (Yeah, we don't understand that either) has been a haven from the August heat. The "Swimming in the Pool" (Winnie the Pooh) Ball sent from Grandma and Grandpa May many months ago is finally seeing some action. It's the best for flowing down the river and not getting lost in the waterfalls.

Hoping McKay is coming out of the "terrible twos" but no sign in sight. A few weekends ago was the worst weekend since he was born for the tired and daunted parents. I think we need to head out to the bookstore, most of our "parenting" books don't have much to say about this. We all know independence is good and to "let him DO it", but holy cow, 5 time outs and 3 temper tantrums before the coffee was made?

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