Tuesday, April 26, 2005

In sickness and in health

Both my boys are sick.

McKay has had a lowgrade fever since Friday that has decided to turn into an ear infection. First one in over a year, but we're a bit nervous, since it took 4 months and 4 kinds of antibiotics to get rid of the last one (And two pediatricians, but that's another story.) For now it's amoxicillin two times a day for 10 days.

Dan has sore everything and has been hitting all the little bottles in the medicine cupboard hoping that something will make him feel better. I think he'll be hitting the bigger bottles shortly.

I stayed at home with the cranky child (McKay) today. We attempted to have fun, but with little success. He didn't even want to watch TV. He's been a bit off his kibble the last few days and had even lost a pound, so was looking pretty scrawny. To help him "feel better" we bought him his first chocolate milk. 8hours later, and the liter is gone.

We continue to love our pediatric practice. We called yesteday at 4pm, and were able to get an appointment this morning for 8:30. This was the first appointment that McKay didn't cry at. He had such a hard time and SO many visits for his ears last year, that he'd start howling when we pulled into the parking lot. We were very proud of him, and he even asked the Dr. if he was "going to look at my ears???".

School pictures are being taken tomorrow, with luck this will turn out. The fall ones were a disaster as McKay decided he was scared, so he, then all the other kids were crying.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Things That Work When You're Two

  • Introducing yourself by showing people your belly.
  • Introducing yourself by showing people your underwear.
  • Saying "I'm poopy" gets you out of going to bed.
  • Not eating lettuce because "it's too spicy", as is apple juice when what you want is lemonade.
  • Eating Flamin' Hot Lay's Potato Chips because "it's good!"
  • Having the courage of your convictions when faced with improper underwear choices. Spider Man works better than The Hulk.
  • Saying "I want to go eat with the People" is not taken as a Marxist declaration about breaking bread with the proletariat. It means you want to go to Chipotle.
  • Knowing full well that the proper name for baked and frosted confections is "birthday cake," regardless of the occasion.
  • You thank the dog after giving him kibble. Hey, someone has to say thank you.
  • One of the funniest jokes in the world is having your best friend in the car with you in his own car seat.
  • Song lyrics are fluid things. This may be genetic, as Lorraine also suffers from this condition: "Hush Little Baby" does not contain an offer of "Schnauzer pie."

Potty Training: Lessons learned.

  • If you have to have your shoes washed, you're not doing it right.
  • Washing shoes in the washing machine more than twice makes the lights on them stop working.
  • If you're only 3ft tall, you shouldn't try to pee standing up.
  • If you have to stretch your penis with both hands so that it's "above" the toilet, you shouldn't pee standing up.
  • People who don't have a toddler don't understand the phrase "pee pee car".
  • People will eventually stop cheering when you fart on the potty.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Boys will be boys

Mckay and Ewan are finally old enough to appreciate each other.

Watch out world.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Mr Bubble

"Makes getting clean almost as much fun as getting dirty."

Okay, I admit it: the sole purpose of this post is to upload a picture.

An easier way to stay in touch

Since keeping TMFP up to date was taking many hours of our little down time we dropped it about a year ago. Due to many complaints, we have been trying to figure out an easier way to share the joy (?) of our lives with you.

Let's see if this works. At the very least, Dan might help with postings this time. :)

About Me

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Places We've called Home: Kingston ON Chicago IL Atlanta GA Vancouver BC