Thursday, August 19, 2004

McKay's Abridged Dictionary, Updated Edition

Next: Berlitz tapes!


A Ky - the son of Lorraine May and Dan Evans.
ah dun - a state of completeness.
ah oh - a warning of something having been affected by gravity.
at - a cover for your head; required for "owsigh."
bays - small fruits, usually cylintrical. Come in blue- and straw- varieties.
beep beep beep - what the horn on the bus does. Can also be used to start a conversation in the car.
boo - the sound a cow makes.
bouh - a printed and bound periodical.
bot - drink container with some kind of spout. Inferior to "cup."
buhs - long, yellow vehicles used to transport schoolchildren.
buhsh - an implement for cleaning your teeth.
butts - any remote control
chee - flavoured and compressed milk curd. Comes both in blocks and cylinders that can be torn into strings.
chee ken - any meat.
coo key - a sweet made of dough (note: actual dough, not "dough.") Can contain "bays" or things like chocolate chips.
cop -
  1. Unlidded drink container.
  2. Our dog; proper noun (see "dough").
dad eee -
  1. a command. Roughly translated as "get me out of this situation."
  2. an orangutan.
dat - a security blanket.
dough - a canine.
duhc duhc duhc - the sound a duck makes.
effant - a large, non-jumping pachyderm with a trunk.
Ella - his best friend/worst enemy in day care. Talks about her several times per day.
emmo - furry Sesame Street characters.
eyze - frozen water.
gamma - a paternal grandparent (interchangeable).
joos - the liquid squeezed out of fruit. A drink.
kackuh - crunchy, starchy foodstuff. Can be flavoured or topped with "chee." Alternately, breakfast cereal.
keey - diminutive of "cat."
lilla - any primate. Speaker usually pantomimes beating their chest after using this word.
mama - a chimpanzee.
moh - a request for another an additional helping of something; used for food, music and "owsigh."
no - response to a question; used as a default when speaker is in a bad mood.
noh - the facial feature used to detect scent.
oce - equine quadruped.
ogre - breakfast food made from milk and lactobacillus bacteria. Usually sweetened and combined with fruit.
ot - antonym of "cold."
owsigh - antonym of "inside."
peas - a courteous word used at the end of a request.
poun - eating utensil with a small dish on one end.
Samsum - our neighbour's English Mastiff; proper noun.
sah - fabric-only layer of foot covering.
sea - verb; to place one's bum on a chair or the floor.
sop sigh - red, octagonal traffic control signals.
sues - second layer of foot covering. Required for "owsigh."
tea - the bony protuberances used to chew food.
tybee - the entertainment device for watching cartoons.
utdow - a request; to be lifted from the floor, or placed back onto it.


ah dun: "I want to be done with this activity." E.g., used when he is tired of lying still to have his diaper changed.
ah dun joos/kackuh: "I am finished eating this."
ice a moh: "I want some more food, please."
moh tybee: "I want to turn on the television."
no at/dat/kackuh/sues: "I am cranky. Don't touch my hat/blanket/food/shoes."
sea dow: a command, usually given to a parent before being handed a "bouh."

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