Thursday, February 13, 2003

Arrrr Matey

Not only should you not be home alone with a baby and not have food But it's real important that if a child goes to a baby sitter's that they have a back up food source in case a bottle breaks (oops). As our babysitter said, "I didn't know who to call, Lorraine had the milk, but Dan had the car." It all worked out ok, and the Bean didn't starve.

A short history of the Bean nickname: When we first found out I was pregnant, the pregnancy website said. "Your baby is now the size of two grains of rice." This was encouraging. A few weeks later, it said, "Your baby is now the size of a bean". From this point on we called him Fava or Bean until we had our prenatal test results and found out he was a boy. Then we had to decide on a real name. Not being comfortable with this responsibility we stuck with bean throughout the pregnancy.

It's been a good week. McKay was awake most of Monday night again, (second week in a row), but he sleeps fine the rest of the time, so once a week isn't much to complain about. Dan and I try to take turns with who has to get up in the middle of the night. Except, if its Dan's turn, he doesn't wake up unless the baby monitor is on. However, if the baby monitor is on, I wake up every time McKay squawks at ALL in the night (usually hourly). I tried earplugs one night, but this turned out to be a BAD idea.

Is it bad that we dress McKay up funny and take pictures of him? He's just so CUTE that it's so hard to resist. I hope I'm not one of those moms that really had a homely kid, but she just can't see it and everyone else is too nice to tell her. I had a clinical dismorphologist at work tell me last week that he looked normal. This is reassuring, although I did measure the distance between his eyes last week to see if it was normal.

McKay had his first BigBoy bath this week (in the tub, not in his little infant bath). Did you know that if you hold a baby's head up in the water, the rest of him will float? I didn't know this. Buoyant Baby Boy Bum is what we termed it. Apparently peeing in the water is quite fun too.
Happy Weekend and Valentine's day too.

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