Wednesday, June 04, 2003

June 4, 2003

Sick Baby: “Mommy, I have a HOT"

: Hi Dog; Look a ball!; Hey, go get me the ball; Hey, bring back the ball….Hey….

Aww Mom, don’t make me sit here; Look a ball!; He’s TOUCHING me; Love the Ball!!, What ball, I wasn’t chewing on a ball….

Lincoln Park Zoo Members 2003! (Free Parking, a t-shirt and all you can zoo).

Now I can eat corn on the cob!

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

200 Days Old

Daddy's boy

It's not Drool it's love juice, gimme kisses.

Rubber Ducky YOU'RE the one.

: 16lb8oz 10th percentile
Height: 75th percentile
Head Circumference: 75th percentile

Favourite sentence: Ngi Ngi Niiie Di Di DaDa

Favourite toy: Taggy

Favourite food: Peas

Bedtime: 7:30pm Time to get up: 7:00am

Bottles: 4 milk, 1 formula (6oz)

Cereal: Oatmeal and Bananas for breakfast, Rice cereal for bedtime snack

Skills: Can fall over from a sit, both frontwards and backwards. Can drop food for Dog ONTO dog’s head. Can get stuck in the crib bars with BOTH legs, while wearing a sleepsack. Can play peekaboo around a corner, behind a blanket, and through a car window.

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Thursday, February 13, 2003

Arrrr Matey

Not only should you not be home alone with a baby and not have food But it's real important that if a child goes to a baby sitter's that they have a back up food source in case a bottle breaks (oops). As our babysitter said, "I didn't know who to call, Lorraine had the milk, but Dan had the car." It all worked out ok, and the Bean didn't starve.

A short history of the Bean nickname: When we first found out I was pregnant, the pregnancy website said. "Your baby is now the size of two grains of rice." This was encouraging. A few weeks later, it said, "Your baby is now the size of a bean". From this point on we called him Fava or Bean until we had our prenatal test results and found out he was a boy. Then we had to decide on a real name. Not being comfortable with this responsibility we stuck with bean throughout the pregnancy.

It's been a good week. McKay was awake most of Monday night again, (second week in a row), but he sleeps fine the rest of the time, so once a week isn't much to complain about. Dan and I try to take turns with who has to get up in the middle of the night. Except, if its Dan's turn, he doesn't wake up unless the baby monitor is on. However, if the baby monitor is on, I wake up every time McKay squawks at ALL in the night (usually hourly). I tried earplugs one night, but this turned out to be a BAD idea.

Is it bad that we dress McKay up funny and take pictures of him? He's just so CUTE that it's so hard to resist. I hope I'm not one of those moms that really had a homely kid, but she just can't see it and everyone else is too nice to tell her. I had a clinical dismorphologist at work tell me last week that he looked normal. This is reassuring, although I did measure the distance between his eyes last week to see if it was normal.

McKay had his first BigBoy bath this week (in the tub, not in his little infant bath). Did you know that if you hold a baby's head up in the water, the rest of him will float? I didn't know this. Buoyant Baby Boy Bum is what we termed it. Apparently peeing in the water is quite fun too.
Happy Weekend and Valentine's day too.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Jan 29, 03:Chaos and Turmoil Reign Supreme

Ok, this week has certainly been better than last. Last week was a continuos cycle of problems with cars and locks. After getting locked into our apartment on Sunday night, I had my key stuck in the outside gate lock on Wednesday morning. This was the morning that it was -5F. After 2 minutes of trying to pull it out without my mitts on, all the while trying to keep Pucky from pulling to go inside, I gave up. I tried again 10 minutes later, to no avail. Dan finally got it out with his multipliers. Sheesh. The car seems to be fine, even in the super cold weather! (Except for the air bag light....but that's another story....). We look fondly at the Prius adds every day. :)

Babylooba (aka McKay) has had a HUGE developmental jump. We bought him a few new toys on the weekend. A new bouncy chair that will turn into a toddler's rocking chair to replace his old one (now at the babysistter's) and a "Megasaucer". This took an hour to put together, but he loves it. It allows him to stand and push off the bottom and has 9 (nine) cool baby toys around the edges . Dan and I spent 5 minutes trying to find out what size batteries it took, and finally gave up. To our wonder and surprise, it takes NO batteries! We also had to spend 15 minutes trying to convince the cashier at Target, that yes, it really was on sale. I finally went and took the price tag/sales ticket off the wall in the kids section. He'll play in the saucer as long as we let him, his favourite toy is the doggy on a spring, he laughs at it, and flirts a lot. There is also a little music box that plays >20 songs (how it does this without batteries we are not sure....), very few of which Dan and I know the words to. I've had a great time making up words to all the nursery rhymes I don't remember from when I was a kid. Specifically, "Hush little baby, don't you cry....Mama's going to make you a Schnauzer Pie...." (for those of you who don't know, Puck is a Schnauzer/Beagle cross) and "hickory dickory dock, the mouse went up the clock, the clock struck one, and the mouse ran away in fear and terror and needed years of therapy." Anyone with lyrics to common lullabies, please forward them before I damage McKay too much.

The going to bed early idea is working really well. He was in bed by 10 last night, with no ill effect, other than a slight case of the crankies this morning. This meant that Dan and I were in bed by 10:30. Heaven. It would have been a great long sleep, except for the Daemon Kitty, Aberfoyle, and my cell phone complaining about not being charged. Yes, Dan and I (and Cokey) have joined the 21st century and have cell phones. It made us way too nervous to go out if we thought people (Hank and Cokey, or Jennifer) couldn't get in touch with us. It has made this last week with car breakdowns a lot easier to deal with.

Our new chest freezer is getting full. I seem to have a problem with excess milk production. I have an extra 6+oz every day. While this makes me feel secure now (with upcoming trips to Atlanta in the future), at some point we will have more milk than baby. I hope things stabilize soon. We finally got some new clothes (after sending most of what he owns on to Ewan in Vancouver) for the Bean (this would be another of McKay's nicknames), courtesy of Grandma, Grandpa and "on sale" site. This site is great: I didn't pay more than $5.99 for anything. I also noticed they were screening kids for models. We missed the cut off for this year, but next year we'll enter McKay to see if we can earn his tuition (or the new Prius)...assuming he's still cute that is.

We finally contracted with a new cleaning service. They start next week. We figured we needed a week to get the place clean enough for cleaners to come over. I hope we haven't lost any of our pets in the debris by then.

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