Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tarted up a bit

And just because I found it....and because it SHOULD be posted.

The Protestant faith was different. That started probably around a similar time, but that was about Martin Luther, this German guy who pinned a note on a church door saying, " 'ang on a minute!" But in German, so, "Ein Minuten, bitte. Ich habe einen kleinen Problemo avec diese Religione." He was from everywhere.

So yeah and so the Protestant faith was sort of tacked on by Queen Elizabeth I a bit later. "Oh, principles! Thank God! We've got some principles."

Nowadays, Church of England is much more, "Hello, how are you?" Much more a hobby-type... "Hello!" A lot of people in Church of England have no muscles in their arms. "Hello, yes... ( chuckles ) Yes, that's what I thought. ( chuckles ) Do come in, you're the only one today! Now the sermon today is taken from a magazine that I found in a hedge. Now lipstick colors this season are in the frosted pink area and nail colors to match... And this reminds me rather of our Lord Jesus! Because surely, when Jesus went into Nazareth on a donkey, he must have got tarted up a bit…”

Monday, March 27, 2006


There was alot of this sort of thing going on this weekend!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Spring Cleaning

We're doing a bit of redecorating here at the toomad ranch.
There could be glitches for the next day (week) or so as I move funiture around.

Last night 11:00 pm

D: Wha?
L: I broke toomad
D: Wha? How..
L: I dont know. Come fix it.... and move that couch closer to the window.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Spring Training

NAP-AC: Non Athletic Parents of Athletic Children.
We don't need a babysitter, we need a personal coach.

McKay found out about baseball at school this week. Again, he's a natural.

Within a few minutes, he was being given advise from other parents and his teachers.
"Elbow up...turn your hips...". He hits almost every ball.

So... he now has his own bat and balls. No batting helmet yet.
And he and Dan are out in the rain, playing baseball.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Tick Tock...

We submitted Dan's application for Canadian permanant residency in early February.
We're now at the waiting stage...which is very much hurry up and wait.

The process follows the following steps.

1. L sends an application to Missasauga asking to be validated as a sponsor (They check to make sure I'm Canadian, not in jail, or Republican). Once I'm approved, my application and Dan's get sent to Buffalo. We're at this stage. It will take ~30more days to get a reply to this.

2. Dan then gets checked to see if he qualifies (not in jail, republican etc) and that we really are married. This can take 2d8 months. Really. What they quote us is; "30% of cases are done in 6 months, 80% of cases are done in 16 months."

3. Dan then has to pass his medical (no TB, plague, cooties) and prove he doesn't have a criminal history. This is finished and they have the paperwork. Although it all expires after 12months, so if we're not approved by Jan 2007, we have to start over.

4. We are then "AIP" Approved in principal. Before he can "land", I have to have proof that I show "intent" to return to Canada, ie a lease/mortgage/job. This might prove difficult, unless RyFi will rent me their basement for a Dollar.

We had to send "proof" of our relationship. I wanted to send McKay...Dan opted for Wedding photos etc...I did send them one picture of Dan holding M all covered in birth-goo though for revenge.

In the meantime we are anxiously NOT doing the following:
  • packing
  • starting new daycare
  • starting/quitting jobs
  • finding new house
  • going to Mexico :(
  • getting cats up to date on thier shots
  • selling current house...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Violent Femmes tied with Man in Black

Driving home tonight after work/school talking about our days.
It was "show and tell" day in McKay's class, and we were talking about what his friends brought.

M:....and Caroline brought princess gloves and a princess crown, and Vidhura brought a truck with a crane. Jackson brought JohnnyCash.


M: Jackson brought JohnnyCash.


M:HE BROUGHT JOHNNYCASH, we danced to "I walk the line".

R: Oh.

Monday, March 06, 2006

McKay Esposito

Spent Sunday afternoon at the rink with McKay's class. McKay is a natural, after a few minutes of holding him up, he just did it by himself.

We were all drop-jaw stunned.

He watched the big kids all the time (the hat pulled down low over his ears, the hands behind his back) with a combination of envy and determination. He'd take a deep breath, puff out his chest and move ever so slightly faster.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"It goes...

England, Italy, Australia, Mozambique, the HANGING GARDENS of BABYLON..."

M: (points at parking garage) Is that mommy's work?

D: No, that's a parking garage. It looks a bit like Mommy's work, though. [Ed: it did. A little. If you squinted just right.]

M: What is that?

D: It's where people put their cars during the day while they're at work.

M: Do people work there?

D: Well, yes, some do, because it's next to --

M: Kenya.

D: ...what?

M: Kenya.

D: The parking garage is next to Kenya?

M: Yes. No! No! (pause) Hey Dad, do you know where Max lives?

McKay needs to learn that there are limits to how much you can make the driver laugh before you seriously risk meeting your end in a ball of flaming death.

About Me

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Places We've called Home: Kingston ON Chicago IL Atlanta GA Vancouver BC