Wednesday, December 21, 2005

No Coal here....

Big blue eyes, angelic blonde hair, peering into his stocking and with some skeptism says, "Is a bike going to fit in here?"

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

What's up Doc?

McKay had his three year old checkup yesterday.

  • Still at 75% height (3 foot 2) and a new peak to 50% weight (31.5lbs).
  • He did really well answering the questions they asked him (name, gender, school etc...).
  • When Dr. Kevin had finished talking to him, he told McKay, "now I'm going to look at your body". McKay smiled up at him, and rubbing his thighs said in a listen carefully tone of voice "These are my legs....
  • Had two shots, and my brave little sheep didn't even cry. Just said..."Owwwww". When the nurse was done, he got down and hugged me then said, "MOMMY, she HURT me!" Can I have a lollipop now?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Dear Santa

Wrote our letters to Santa tonight...or rather, cut (tore) things out of magazines and glued them to paper. McKay didn't get past page two he was so excited about all the toys. Dan and I did some good damage to Williams Sonoma and E-cookbooks.

Also put up our tree on the weekend and got the garland around the door. No motivation to do the outside lights yet...maybe this week?

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

News flash

  • Shooting at the house behind us. Bootleggers have since moved out.
  • Decide to move to Vancouver next summer
  • Dan starts paperwork for Canadian permanent residency.
  • Tell boss we want "career change".
  • Pull McKay out of his daycare because of incident with teacher.
  • Interview for new job in Vancouver.
  • Start McKay in new daycare.
Film at 11:00

About Me

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Places We've called Home: Kingston ON Chicago IL Atlanta GA Vancouver BC