Monday, May 30, 2005

Peanut Butter and Jelly Fish

Had a great day yesterday. We took our newest family member on a road trip to the Aquarium in Chattanooga. Great Aquarium, really need a few days to see it all. They had a 'Ray and Shark petting pool, neon lit jellyfish that was very futruristic.

Jelly Fish are ok, Sharks are ok, SeaHorses are ok, Sting Rays are ok. Scuba divers are scary. All in all a fun day with no tantrums, and lots of cruise control.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Hot Date

When at a drive in on a Saturday night

Don't let a toddler sit in the front seat
Really don't let a toddler sit on the driver's lap.
REALLY don't let a toddler rest his feet on the steering wheel.
REALLY REALLY don't let a toddler lock his knees...and thus sound the dulcet sounds of a car horn for what seems like hours.

enough said.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Blame Kirsten

She made me do it. She MADE me. It's not as career-oriented as a firefighter's hat or a chef's toque, but it's pretty close.

Link to pic (Warning: Baby Butt)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Sweet Potato Fries...

Went to dinner tonight at one of our favourite locals.

The Vortex. Great burgers, Great sweetpotato fries and a HUGE beer menu.
For a laugh, check out what is on the front of their menu.

Found out that as of July 1st, they won't be letting minors in because of a new anti-smoking law in Georgia that says if you allow smoking in the premises, no kids can come in. This is stupid, I'm a pretty rabid anti-smoker, but this is still stupid. They'll protect all these minors on the few occasions they're allowed out to dinner, but Pa can still turn the walls yellow at home. Sheesh. This will be real hard on this restaurant/bar as it is in the "hip/odd" neighbourhood of the city, and most of the people here are tattooed and pierced teens.

McKay had sweet potato fries and a Quesadilla. I also learned that if you tell a two year old to "wipe you face using the mirror behind you." That's exactly what he will do. We had to get extra napkins to wipe down the mirror.

Started car shopping today. We're already daunted. Pieces (important?) keep falling off the Tercel, so we KNOW we have to make a decision, but so far nothing but 2 fights.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Summer Rituals

There are some things that a kid has to do EVERY summer. I don't think he's going to retain too many memories from this year, but I thought it was important that we start.

  • Neighbourhood BBQ with 30+ adults, and 10+ kids. The only injury was McKay, running full speed down a concrete driveway when another kid threw a bucket at his feet. *WHUMP*. Scab fell off yesterday. Glad it happened after school pictures.
  • Sleeping in the backyard in the tent. So far we've only had "snack" in the tent, but will work our way up to sleeping in it. Have to pick a weeknight when the bootleggers are quiet.
  • Walking in the rain and splashing in all the puddles.
  • Concerts in the park late Saturday nights.
What else do we need to make sure we do? Other non-location specific activities? (ie/ clamming ins't going to happen in Atlanta).

Posted by Hello

Friday, May 06, 2005

Proof is in the Pudding

What DOES that mean? the proofs for the school pictures.
5x7's ordered for the grand parents, 3x5 for the aunts/uncles, and a bunch of wallets for everyone else.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Not ours; McKay's. He's been interested lately in when he was "baby Ky." Tonight, he wanted to wear THESE pajamas, NOT the robot pajamas. Never mind he originally wore them about two years ago:

We're assuming these will be all the rage in Milan after a few months.

The pants don't look too bad (hey, it's coming up on summer), but how is it his butt is the same size? I would also like to point out that the snaps currently hovering around his spleen used to snap OVER a diaper UNDER his crotch.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Was anyone cool in the '80s?

"Auntie" Jess from Chicago was visiting us this last week, and she brought us some great pictures that I knew a bunch of you would appreciate.

She also brought us Frangos and a frozen Chicago style Pizza.

House guests are great. Ayone else want to visit?

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Places We've called Home: Kingston ON Chicago IL Atlanta GA Vancouver BC